Things you should consider doing in your early twenties (Part 1)

Just like every stage of your development, your early twenties come with its own challenges but preparing beforehand will equip you with the strength and advantage that you need to overcome.

Your early twenties are a crucial time for personal growth and exploration. Here are some things you should consider doing during this period:

The early twenties is a period that is usually filled with a lot of activities and events to participate in, people to meet and adventures to take. However, take the time to LOVE and understand yourself better. Explore your interests, passions, and values. Reflect on what makes you happy and what you want to achieve in life.

Set goals and make a plan to achieve them
What do you want to accomplish in your 20s? Do you want to travel the world, start a business, or get your dream job? Once you know what you want, make a plan and start taking steps to achieve your goals. Take time to set short-term and long-term goals for different areas of your life, such as career, relationships, personal development, and health. Create a plan and break down your goals into actionable steps. Regularly review and adjust your plan as needed.

Don’t be overwhelmed by the achievements of others
The world is such an interesting place and everything always seem perfect on social media. However, it is detrimental to your mental health to start comparing your journey with others’. You have a different life to live so, enjoy every moment of your growth, celebrate your small wins and learn to be happy with your present self while you make plans to become a better version of yourself.

Pursue education or skill development
Whether you’re in college or not, prioritize learning and skill development. Take advantage of educational opportunities to expand your knowledge and develop valuable skills that align with your interests and career goals.

Have and maintain an intimate relationship with God
Life can be so exciting and sometimes when all our plans come through, we are often very quick to forget that God made us. On the flip side, life can also be so overwhelming and we’ll begin to think that God has forgotten us. Life isn’t meant to treat us nicely, we are meant to use whatever situation we’re in to our advantage but how can this be if we’re far from God, our maker? A cordial relationship with God is worth more than life itself. Before life starts to throw shades at you, get saved (be born again) and take your relationship with God seriously especially in your early twenties.

Travel and explore
Traveling can broaden your horizons, expose you to new cultures, and help you gain a fresh perspective on life. Whether it’s exploring new cities or immersing yourself in different countries, traveling can be an enriching experience.

Build a strong network
Invest time in building relationships with like-minded individuals. Attend networking events, join clubs or organizations related to your interests, and connect with professionals in your desired field. Building a supportive network can provide guidance and open doors to new opportunities.

Stay tuned for “Things you should consider doing in your early twenties (Part 2)

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