Does having broader hips make childbirth easy?

You’ve probably heard the term “childbearing hips” before. Perhaps someone used these words to describe their own body shape or someone else’s. But given that most women are capable of bearing children, it might seem a little strange and even misleading to say that someone has the hips to bear a child.

What do people mean by childbearing hips?
In fairness, describing a woman’s hips as childbearing/fertile doesn’t mean she has any special ability to have children that other women don’t have. Simply put, the natal hip or childbearing hips refers to the female pelvic structure. This expression, nine times out of ten, is used to describe women who have larger or wider hips.

Pelvic shapes aren’t one size fits all. Rather, their shape and size can vary greatly from woman to woman. Typically, some women have a wider pelvis and hips, which can make it easier for them to carry and birth a child

Having broader hips can make childbirth easier, but it is not the only factor that affects how easy or difficult a woman’s labor will be. Other factors include the size of the baby, the position of the baby, the mother’s overall health, and the strength of the woman’s contractions.

A woman with broader hips typically has a wider pelvic outlet, which means there is more room for the baby to pass through during childbirth, potentially reducing the likelihood of certain complications, such as shoulder dystocia (when the baby’s shoulder becomes stuck behind the mother’s pelvic bone). This can make labor and delivery easier and less painful. However, even women with wider hips can experience difficult childbirths if their babies are large or in a difficult position.

Additionally, a person’s pelvic structure is not solely determined by hip width but involves the overall dimensions and angles of the pelvis.

It is also worth noting that a person’s body shape or hip width does not guarantee an easy or difficult childbirth. Some individuals with narrower hips can have straightforward deliveries, while others with wider hips might still face challenges during childbirth. Each person’s birth experience is unique and influenced by various factors beyond hip width alone.

It is advisable for expectant parents to consult with healthcare professionals, such as obstetricians or midwives, who can assess individual factors and provide guidance regarding childbirth. These professionals can offer personalized advice and support throughout the pregnancy and delivery process.

There are a few things that women can do to help prepare for childbirth and make it easier. These include:

  • Staying active during pregnancy: Consider doing pelvic floor exercises during pregnancy. These exercises can help strengthen the muscles that support the pelvic floor and make it easier for the baby to pass through the birth canal.
  • Eating a healthy diet
  • Getting regular prenatal care: Talk to your doctor about your specific situation. They can help you determine if your hips are wide enough for a vaginal delivery and can discuss any risks or complications that may be associated with your childbirth
  • Learning about childbirth and how to cope with pain
  • Be patient and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Childbirth can be a long and challenging process, but it is also a beautiful and rewarding experience.
  • Having a support person during labor and delivery

By taking these steps, women can help ensure that their childbirth experience is as positive as possible.

Don’t worry if you don’t have what would be considered childbearing hips. Having larger, wider hips isn’t always an indicator of whether you’ll have an easy birth experience.

Childbirth is a complex experience no matter the size or shape of your pelvis. Until you’re at the point where you’re ready to deliver, there is no way to know how easy (or how difficult) your birth will be.

Either way, once delivery is underway, seek comfort knowing you’ll soon meet your little bundle of joy!

How to smell nice without using deodorant

A lot of people are allergic to the smell of chemicals like deodorants. Some others find deodorant very expensive and so are not able to afford it. Regardless, it won’t be cool to hear neighbours or seatmates in a commercial vehicle give comments like “Hey man, you stink, can’t you afford a deodorant? Or You look very beautiful but no one can sit beside you, eew!”.

Did you know that you can smell nice without wearing a perfume or using a deodorant? YES, it is very much possible. There are several ways to smell nice without using deodorant. Here are some natural alternatives you can try:

  • Keep yourself clean
    This is the most important step in keeping your body clean and odor-free. Wash your armpits, groin, and feet thoroughly with soap and water every day. Taking regular showers or baths with soap can help eliminate bacteria and sweat that cause body odor. There is no limit to the numbers of time you could have your bath in a day but make sure to bath with clean water (clean as the potable water you drink) and good bathing soap.
  • Wear clean clothes
    Make sure to wear freshly laundered clothes every day. Wash your clothes regularly with soap that has good scent and avoid wearing the same clothes two days in a row. This will help to prevent bacteria from building up on your clothes and causing body odor.
  • Use essential oils
    Essential oils can be a great way to add a natural scent to your body. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to your bath water, lotion, or diffuser. Essential oils such as lavender, tea tree and peppermint can be used as natural fragrances. Apply a small amount to your pulse points.
  • Drink plenty of water
    Staying hydrated can help to keep your body temperature down and reduce sweating. Drinking enough water helps flush out toxins and sweat from your body.
  • Watch your diet
    Eating a healthy diet can improve your overall body odor and help you smell better. Avoid spicy foods, pungent foods and foods that are high in sugar or processed foods that can cause body odor.
  • Avoid smoking
    Smoking can contribute to body odor. If you smoke, quitting is the best way to improve your overall smell.
  • Use natural fibers. Wearing breathable fabrics such as cotton, linen, or wool can help reduce sweating and odor.
  • Moisturize your skin Dry skin can be more prone to odor. Moisturizing your skin can help to keep it healthy and hydrated. Use moisturizers and body cream suitable for your skin type and recommended by a dermatologist or a skin-care expert.

Keep in mind that these alternatives may not work for everyone and may not be as effective as using deodorant. If you have excessive sweating or body odor, it’s important to speak to a doctor to determine the underlying cause and find the best treatment option for you.