Does having broader hips make childbirth easy?

You’ve probably heard the term “childbearing hips” before. Perhaps someone used these words to describe their own body shape or someone else’s. But given that most women are capable of bearing children, it might seem a little strange and even misleading to say that someone has the hips to bear a child.

What do people mean by childbearing hips?
In fairness, describing a woman’s hips as childbearing/fertile doesn’t mean she has any special ability to have children that other women don’t have. Simply put, the natal hip or childbearing hips refers to the female pelvic structure. This expression, nine times out of ten, is used to describe women who have larger or wider hips.

Pelvic shapes aren’t one size fits all. Rather, their shape and size can vary greatly from woman to woman. Typically, some women have a wider pelvis and hips, which can make it easier for them to carry and birth a child

Having broader hips can make childbirth easier, but it is not the only factor that affects how easy or difficult a woman’s labor will be. Other factors include the size of the baby, the position of the baby, the mother’s overall health, and the strength of the woman’s contractions.

A woman with broader hips typically has a wider pelvic outlet, which means there is more room for the baby to pass through during childbirth, potentially reducing the likelihood of certain complications, such as shoulder dystocia (when the baby’s shoulder becomes stuck behind the mother’s pelvic bone). This can make labor and delivery easier and less painful. However, even women with wider hips can experience difficult childbirths if their babies are large or in a difficult position.

Additionally, a person’s pelvic structure is not solely determined by hip width but involves the overall dimensions and angles of the pelvis.

It is also worth noting that a person’s body shape or hip width does not guarantee an easy or difficult childbirth. Some individuals with narrower hips can have straightforward deliveries, while others with wider hips might still face challenges during childbirth. Each person’s birth experience is unique and influenced by various factors beyond hip width alone.

It is advisable for expectant parents to consult with healthcare professionals, such as obstetricians or midwives, who can assess individual factors and provide guidance regarding childbirth. These professionals can offer personalized advice and support throughout the pregnancy and delivery process.

There are a few things that women can do to help prepare for childbirth and make it easier. These include:

  • Staying active during pregnancy: Consider doing pelvic floor exercises during pregnancy. These exercises can help strengthen the muscles that support the pelvic floor and make it easier for the baby to pass through the birth canal.
  • Eating a healthy diet
  • Getting regular prenatal care: Talk to your doctor about your specific situation. They can help you determine if your hips are wide enough for a vaginal delivery and can discuss any risks or complications that may be associated with your childbirth
  • Learning about childbirth and how to cope with pain
  • Be patient and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Childbirth can be a long and challenging process, but it is also a beautiful and rewarding experience.
  • Having a support person during labor and delivery

By taking these steps, women can help ensure that their childbirth experience is as positive as possible.

Don’t worry if you don’t have what would be considered childbearing hips. Having larger, wider hips isn’t always an indicator of whether you’ll have an easy birth experience.

Childbirth is a complex experience no matter the size or shape of your pelvis. Until you’re at the point where you’re ready to deliver, there is no way to know how easy (or how difficult) your birth will be.

Either way, once delivery is underway, seek comfort knowing you’ll soon meet your little bundle of joy!

5 things broke people do that the rich will not

It is not a surprise that every group of humans on earth has specific traits or way of life that distinguishes them from other groups.

Here are 5 things people do that gives them off as broke.

1. Spend more than they earn
Broke people often live paycheck to paycheck and spend more money than they bring in. This can lead to debt, financial instability, and a lack of financial freedom. Rich people, on the other hand, are more likely to live below their means and save money. They understand that saving money is important for building wealth and financial security.

Broke people spend more money on their looks than they spend on books.

The first step towards wealth is by getting yourself a good book, click here

2. Don’t invest
You must have heard the popular phrase, “Enjoy your life today because tomorrow might not come”. Broke people often don’t invest their money. This can be a huge mistake, as investing can help you grow your wealth over time. Rich people, on the other hand, are more likely to invest their money in stocks, bonds, real estate, and other assets. They understand that investing is a key to building wealth.

3. Have a negative mindset
Whether we agree or not, we all are living what we believe. Our belief system affects every part of our lives including our finance. Broke people often have a negative mindset about money. They may believe that they are not good with money, that they will never be rich, or that they are unlucky. Rich people, on the other hand, have a positive mindset about money. They believe that they can achieve financial success, and they are willing to take the necessary steps to make it happen.

Broke people always seek to cut down on their expenses, rich people seek to increase their revenue.

4. Don’t take risks
Broke people are often afraid to take risks. They see every opportunity to increase their revenue as a scam. They may be afraid to start their own business, invest in new ventures, or take on new challenges. Rich people, on the other hand, are more likely to take risks. They understand that taking risks is often necessary to achieve success.

5. Don’t have a plan
Broke people often don’t have a plan for their finances. They may not know how much money they are spending each month, or they may not have any goals for their money. Rich people, on the other hand, have a plan for their finances. They know how much money they are spending each month, and they have specific goals for their money.

If you want to become rich, it is important to avoid these 5 things that broke people do. Instead, adopt the habits and mindset of rich people. With hard work and dedication, you can achieve financial success.

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Things you should consider doing in your early twenties (Part 2)

Welcome back!

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Take care of your health
Your health is your most important asset. Develop healthy habits early on. Prioritize regular exercise, maintain a balanced diet, and get enough sleep. Establishing a healthy lifestyle now will benefit you in the long run.

Financial responsibility
This is an important skill that will serve you well throughout your life. Start by creating a budget and sticking to it, learn about personal finance, and start saving money. It’s essential to understand how to manage your finances and set yourself up for financial stability in the future. Learn about different types of investments and how to save for retirement. The earlier you start managing your money, the better off you’ll be in the long run.

Embrace new experiences
Be open to trying new things. Say yes to opportunities that push you out of your comfort zone. Whether it’s participating in a new hobby, taking on a challenging project, or trying a new sport, embracing new experiences can lead to personal growth and self-discovery.

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Volunteer or give back
Engage in community service or volunteer work. Giving back to society can be incredibly fulfilling and help you develop empathy and a sense of purpose. There are many ways to give back to your community: volunteer your time, donate to charity, or simply be kind to others. Making a difference in the world will make you feel good and make the world a better place.

Prioritize mental well-being
Take care of your mental health. Whatever costs you your mental health is already too costly. Seek support if needed, practice self-care, and learn coping mechanisms for stress. Your mental well-being is just as important as your physical health. Make sure you’re eating healthy, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep. These things will help you feel your best and have more energy to pursue your goals.

Build relationships with friends and family
Do not be so engrossed in your plans to make money and to live a comfortable life and let your loved ones out of your life. Your relationships are one of the most important things in your life. Make time for the people who matter to you and nurture your relationships. They will be there for you through thick and thin.

Give dating a chance
Yes, I got you there! You didn’t expect to see this in the list, lol. Do not be too hard on yourself. There is a time for everything and your early twenties is sure the best time to fall in love with the right person. When you have learned to love yourself well enough, you will be able to tell when true love comes. However, do not be in a haste to say yes to anyone, take your time to learn about dating, love, relationship and marriage and then, give yourself a chance to be loved the right way.

Remember, everyone’s journey is unique, and there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to your early twenties. These suggestions can serve as a starting point, but ultimately, it’s essential to listen to yourself, follow your intuition, and make choices that align with your values and aspirations.

Your 20s are a time of great opportunity and growth. Make the most of this time by exploring, learning, growing, and giving back.

Things you should consider doing in your early twenties (Part 1)

Just like every stage of your development, your early twenties come with its own challenges but preparing beforehand will equip you with the strength and advantage that you need to overcome.

Your early twenties are a crucial time for personal growth and exploration. Here are some things you should consider doing during this period:

The early twenties is a period that is usually filled with a lot of activities and events to participate in, people to meet and adventures to take. However, take the time to LOVE and understand yourself better. Explore your interests, passions, and values. Reflect on what makes you happy and what you want to achieve in life.

Set goals and make a plan to achieve them
What do you want to accomplish in your 20s? Do you want to travel the world, start a business, or get your dream job? Once you know what you want, make a plan and start taking steps to achieve your goals. Take time to set short-term and long-term goals for different areas of your life, such as career, relationships, personal development, and health. Create a plan and break down your goals into actionable steps. Regularly review and adjust your plan as needed.

Don’t be overwhelmed by the achievements of others
The world is such an interesting place and everything always seem perfect on social media. However, it is detrimental to your mental health to start comparing your journey with others’. You have a different life to live so, enjoy every moment of your growth, celebrate your small wins and learn to be happy with your present self while you make plans to become a better version of yourself.

Pursue education or skill development
Whether you’re in college or not, prioritize learning and skill development. Take advantage of educational opportunities to expand your knowledge and develop valuable skills that align with your interests and career goals.

Have and maintain an intimate relationship with God
Life can be so exciting and sometimes when all our plans come through, we are often very quick to forget that God made us. On the flip side, life can also be so overwhelming and we’ll begin to think that God has forgotten us. Life isn’t meant to treat us nicely, we are meant to use whatever situation we’re in to our advantage but how can this be if we’re far from God, our maker? A cordial relationship with God is worth more than life itself. Before life starts to throw shades at you, get saved (be born again) and take your relationship with God seriously especially in your early twenties.

Travel and explore
Traveling can broaden your horizons, expose you to new cultures, and help you gain a fresh perspective on life. Whether it’s exploring new cities or immersing yourself in different countries, traveling can be an enriching experience.

Build a strong network
Invest time in building relationships with like-minded individuals. Attend networking events, join clubs or organizations related to your interests, and connect with professionals in your desired field. Building a supportive network can provide guidance and open doors to new opportunities.

Stay tuned for “Things you should consider doing in your early twenties (Part 2)

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This same JESUS

Have you heard about Jesus? How best can you describe him?

When Jesus was on earth, he asked his disciples, “who do men say that I, the son of man am?

Just as we have it today, many people believed Jesus to be a prophet or a teacher. Some believe that he is just a miracle worker and can cure all diseases. Others believe he can give them anything they want; wealth, power, fame, good children, good job, etc.

Even though Jesus is all of those, he is first, a saviour. Jesus’ primary purpose for coming to earth over 2000 years ago was to save mankind from the power and condemnation of sin. Before then, nobody was righteous before God!

Humans tried all they could to make God happy with them but unfortunately, they could not keep God’s good face for a long time.

Romans 3:20A says “Therefore, by the deeds of the law shall no flesh be justified in his sight”

Adherence to moral laws constituted by man will only make us become good persons but our goodness cannot make us justified before God.
Jesus has died for our sins and has resurrected. He is willing to make you justified before God so that all His blessings can be yours.

Romans 8:1 says “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit”

If you believe Jesus in your heart as the son of God and confess him (with your mouth) as your saviour and lord then, you will be saved.

Have you done that?

This same Jesus that has saved you today has an instruction for you in Mark 16:15-18. He wants you to tell everyone about Him so they too can be saved and also, he has given you the power to perform signs and wonders only in His name.

Go now and tell everyone that this same Jesus can do all things!

Do you want to learn more about the person of the Holy Spirit and how he speaks to you? Click here

Are you really in love?

If you think you’ve found your heartthrob
That special person made for you
Don’t be swayed by your feelings
And just go right on to express it
Pray about it!

Feelings aren’t tangible enough to predict the future
In the equation of love,
Change is constant and your feelings are the variables
It might not be love, your pulse only indicates that you’re alive
Pray about it!

Love is natural
You feel young at heart, not pressured
You don’t have to force it
Your heart does it with ease
However, pray about it!

Life is full of uncertainty
We’re not always sure about certain things
Our feelings are frail
And we should not always trust it
Pray about it!

When two people are in love
Even if they are distance apart
Love binds them together
Beautiful as it may be
Pray about it!

You can never go wrong
When you pray about everything
Some decisions might hurt
But when God is the author
Thing will not fall apart

So, before you take that bold step
Before you say YES
Before you pop the question
Are you really in love
Or you don’t want to feel left out?

How to smell nice without using deodorant

A lot of people are allergic to the smell of chemicals like deodorants. Some others find deodorant very expensive and so are not able to afford it. Regardless, it won’t be cool to hear neighbours or seatmates in a commercial vehicle give comments like “Hey man, you stink, can’t you afford a deodorant? Or You look very beautiful but no one can sit beside you, eew!”.

Did you know that you can smell nice without wearing a perfume or using a deodorant? YES, it is very much possible. There are several ways to smell nice without using deodorant. Here are some natural alternatives you can try:

  • Keep yourself clean
    This is the most important step in keeping your body clean and odor-free. Wash your armpits, groin, and feet thoroughly with soap and water every day. Taking regular showers or baths with soap can help eliminate bacteria and sweat that cause body odor. There is no limit to the numbers of time you could have your bath in a day but make sure to bath with clean water (clean as the potable water you drink) and good bathing soap.
  • Wear clean clothes
    Make sure to wear freshly laundered clothes every day. Wash your clothes regularly with soap that has good scent and avoid wearing the same clothes two days in a row. This will help to prevent bacteria from building up on your clothes and causing body odor.
  • Use essential oils
    Essential oils can be a great way to add a natural scent to your body. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to your bath water, lotion, or diffuser. Essential oils such as lavender, tea tree and peppermint can be used as natural fragrances. Apply a small amount to your pulse points.
  • Drink plenty of water
    Staying hydrated can help to keep your body temperature down and reduce sweating. Drinking enough water helps flush out toxins and sweat from your body.
  • Watch your diet
    Eating a healthy diet can improve your overall body odor and help you smell better. Avoid spicy foods, pungent foods and foods that are high in sugar or processed foods that can cause body odor.
  • Avoid smoking
    Smoking can contribute to body odor. If you smoke, quitting is the best way to improve your overall smell.
  • Use natural fibers. Wearing breathable fabrics such as cotton, linen, or wool can help reduce sweating and odor.
  • Moisturize your skin Dry skin can be more prone to odor. Moisturizing your skin can help to keep it healthy and hydrated. Use moisturizers and body cream suitable for your skin type and recommended by a dermatologist or a skin-care expert.

Keep in mind that these alternatives may not work for everyone and may not be as effective as using deodorant. If you have excessive sweating or body odor, it’s important to speak to a doctor to determine the underlying cause and find the best treatment option for you.

8 Common Mistakes people make when saving money

While saving money is a valuable habit, there are several common mistakes people make that can hinder their progress. Being aware of these mistakes can help you avoid them and stay on track with your savings goals.

Here are some common mistakes people make when saving money:

Underestimating the power of small savings
People often overlook the impact of small savings on their overall financial situation. They often ask, what can this little amount afford me? When it comes to saving money, every penny saved counts. Don’t dismiss the significance of cutting back on expenses or finding ways to save a little extra each month.

Not having a budget
This is one of the biggest mistakes people make when it comes to saving money. If you don’t know where your money is going, it’s impossible to save any of it.

Not having a goal
Many people save just for ‘saving sake’ or just so they could brag about the amount of cash they have in bank or at hand. What are you saving for? A down payment on a house? Purchase of personal health care products? Land purchase? Retirement? Once you know what you’re saving for, it will be easier to stay motivated.

Don’t just save money, attach a value to every penny saved.

Not tracking your spending
It’s important to track your spending so you can see where your money is going. This will help you identify areas where you can cut back. If possible, make a list of the things you want to get, save towards it and tick the items on the list as you get them to avoid unnecessary spendings.

Succumbing to impulse purchases
Did you know that once you have a little money at hand, almost every want becomes a need? How funny! Impulse buying can derail your savings efforts. Avoid making impulsive purchases by taking time to evaluate whether a purchase is necessary or simply a fleeting desire. Implement a waiting period (say 24 hours) to ensure you genuinely need the item before buying it.

Ignoring small expenses
Small, recurring expenses can add up over time and this can disrupt your savings goals. People often overlook them, thinking they are insignificant. However, small expenses such as subscription services (especially data subscription) can have a significant impact on your savings. Pay attention to these expenses and find ways to reduce or eliminate them.

Saving what’s left over
Waiting to save whatever is left after expenses is a common mistake. Instead, prioritize saving by allocating a specific portion of your income toward savings first, treating it as a regular expense.

Setting unrealistic goals
Setting overly ambitious savings goals can lead to frustration and demotivation. Imagine receiving a monthly allowance of N10,000 with N7,000 expenses incurred and saving to get the latest model of Prado jeep? How unrealistic! While it’s good to aim high, make sure your goals are achievable based on your income and expenses. Start with smaller, attainable goals and gradually increase them over time

Have you made any of these mistakes in the past? It isn’t too late to adjust and correct your savings habit.

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It’s Monday, start off your week with these 12 tips 🤗

Rise up early and plan your week:
As the saying goes, “Early to bed, early to rise”. It’s Monday again, do not let sunrise meet you unprepared. The energy you put in the first day of the week will not only determine how the rest of the week would go but also, how happy you would be with yourself at the end of the week. So, take some time to plan out your week. This will help you stay on track and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

Set clear goals
Start your week by setting specific and achievable goals. Write them down and prioritize them according to their importance. Don’t try to do too much in one week. Break your goals down into smaller, more manageable tasks. In the end, having multiple small tasks done before the end of the week would make you happier than having huge tasks abandoned.

Prioritize tasks
Having noted the tasks for the week, identify the most important tasks that need to be completed during the week. Not all tasks are created equal. Prioritize your tasks so that you focus on the most important ones first and allocate your time and energy accordingly.

Break tasks into smaller steps
If you have large or complex tasks, break them down into smaller, manageable steps. This will make them less overwhelming and easier to tackle.

Practice time management
Procrastination is a thief of time. Do not leave urgent tasks to be done later. Allocate specific time slots for different activities to maximize your productivity and manage your time effectively.

Avoid multitasking
Contrary to popular belief, multitasking can actually reduce productivity. Instead, focus on one task at a time and give it your full attention. Complete it before moving on to the next one.

Take breaks
It’s important to give yourself regular breaks even if it’s just for a few minutes. This will help you stay focused, recharged and avoid burnout. Short breaks throughout the day can actually improve your focus and productivity.

Stay organized
Keep your workspace clean and organized. A clutter-free environment can help reduce distractions and improve your concentration.

Practice self-care
Take care of your physical and mental well-being. Get enough sleep, eat nutritious meals, exercise regularly, and make time for activities you enjoy. Taking care of yourself will enhance your productivity and overall well-being.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help
Be open to receive help. If you’re struggling, don’t be afraid to ask for help from your friends, family, or colleagues.

Avoid distractions
If your work requires your full concentration, turn off your phone or put in on flight mode or silent mode, close your email, and give yourself fully to it. This will help you focus on the task at hand.

Review and reflect
At the end of each day or week, take some time to review your progress. Celebrate your accomplishments however small or great, identify areas for improvement, and adjust your plans if necessary.

Remember, everyone’s definition of success may vary. It’s important to define what success means to you and align your actions and goals accordingly.

Following these tips can help you have a successful week. Just remember to be patient with yourself, and don’t be afraid to make adjustments along the way.

Do you find these tips helpful? Please, like it, leave a comment and share with others.

How to Start a Conversation with the Opposite Sex

Starting a conversation with someone you’re attracted to can be nerve-wracking, but it doesn’t have to be. By following a few simple tips, you can increase your chances of success.

1. Be confident
Confidence is key when it comes to starting a conversation with someone you’re attracted to. If you’re feeling nervous, try taking a few deep breaths and remind yourself that you’re a great person and there’s no reason to be afraid. Also, do not be intimidated by the person’s physique or appearance. It’s your first conversation, right? So, be confident.

2. Smile
A smile is a great way to break the ice and make a good first impression. It shows that you’re friendly and approachable so, wear a cute smile on your face when you want to start the conversation. You don’t want to seem like a bully, right? lol

3. Find a common interest
One of the best ways to start a conversation is to find something that you have in common with the other person. This could be anything from a shared interest in a hobby to a common experience. This might however, be difficult to find out if you’ve not taken out time to study the fellow.

4.  Pay them a compliment
You can never go wrong with this. It works like magic! I mean, who doesn’t like compliments? Of course, everybody does! Whether it’s a male or a female, paying them a sincere compliment makes them feel safe with you and that gives you an edge to engage them in a conversation. You don’t have to use bogus words or rack your brain over what to say. You could appreciate their looks, dressing, smile or any cute little thing you admire about them. 

5. Ask open-ended questions
Open-ended questions are a great way to keep the conversation flowing. They encourage the other person to talk about themselves, which is always a good thing. An open-ended question is a question that cannot be answered with Yes or No.

Here’s a hint: Ask them how they feel about the recent developments in your neighbourhood (that’s if you stay in the same place).

Open-ended questions are the “What, When, How, Where, Why, and Who” kind of questions.

6. Be a good listener
When you’re talking to someone, make sure you’re actually listening to what they have to say. Don’t just wait for your turn to talk. Do no try to prove a point, remember, you are just getting to know them.

7.  Be yourself
The most important thing is to be yourself. Don’t try to be someone you’re not, because the other person will be able to tell. Just relax, be yourself, and let the conversation flow naturally.

Here are some additional tips for starting a conversation with the opposite sex:

  • Be respectful: Remember that the other person is a human being, just like you. Treat them with respect, even if you’re not interested in them romantically.
  • Be polite: It’s always a good idea to start a conversation with a polite greeting. such as “hello” or “good morning.”
  • Be positive: People are more likely to want to talk to you if you’re positive and upbeat.
  • Be patient: It may take a few tries before you find someone who’s interested in talking to you. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t get the response you’re looking for right away.

With a little practice, you’ll be starting conversations with the opposite sex like a pro in no time!